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How to Teach Continuous Blending
How to build a blending board
Set for Variability

Phonological Awareness

The How's and Why's

In answer to some questions about how to support students who have difficulty with phonemic awareness, I show how you can scaffold the work with letters and with other manipulatives, and why it is important to remove the scaffolding.

These videos shows how to introduce phonological awareness to the most struggling students even in virtual settings. I demonstrate the levels of scaffolding that may be necessary to help the student - starting at a very concrete level advancing to the more abstract. I use Jamboard in the video, but the same can be done with picture cards and other manipulatives. This is important as we need to make sure the student understands our instructions.  It is more important that we get to the phoneme level of awareness as opposed to the phonological (syllables, etc.), but it is often easier to demonstrate our instructions at a level before phonemes.

I often get the question, "What do I do if my student can't hear the sounds, or can't identify the sounds that he hears?"  These videos give a very quick demonstration of the techniques we can use to help.

What do you do when your student stalls at the phonemic awareness or blending stages of reading instruction? While it important to provide phonological awareness activities, is that all we should do? in this video I show how to help support the students who really struggle using multiple tools and strategies.

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